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Useful Numbers and Websites

Reporting a concern about a child / young person

Help, advice and support for families in Suffolk

  • Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership
    The Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership (Suffolk County Council, Suffolk Police, Suffolk Healthcare services) works to protect children and young people and adults at risk of harm, neglect and exploitation in Suffolk.

  • Childline
    Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything.

  • Home Start
    Home-Start in Suffolk is the county's largest family support charity. Their vision is that every child in Suffolk is given the best start in life because of the love, support & guidance they receive from their parents, guardians or the people performing the role of their parents.

Name of Organisation Description Telephone Numbers Website 
Customer First Reporting safeguarding concerns about a child 0808 8004005

Homestart Self referral form 01473 621104
Waveney Domestic Violence & Abuse Forum Support for those experiencing domestic violence & abuse in Waveney

01502 572143 07906245979
Domestic Violence National 24hr Helpline Support for those experiencing domestic violence & abuse 0808 2000 247  
Childline A free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. 0800 1111

Suffolk Police

Suffolk Constabulary 01473 613500
Health Visitor Health Visitors are qualified nurses or midwives with specialist community public health training and can offer families with children aged 0 to 5 years

0345 607 8866

(alternatively you can contact your local children's centre)